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A Guide To Trampoline Games, Exercise And Fun


Who is this guide aimed at?

The trampoline was first invented in the United States in the 1930s by teenage gymnasts Larry Griswold and George Nissen, who used their invention in their death-defying circus act. Since then, the trampoline has grown steadily in popularity to the point where trampolining is now an Olympic event.

With many children closely attached to their digital devices, the trampoline is one of the few forms of entertainment that can get them off the screen and into the backyard with friends.

And trampolines are for big kids as well! Whether it’s above ground, in-ground, round, square or rectangular, the trampoline is a recognised form of effective low-impact exercise, used by health conscious but time-poor parents as a fun and effective way to work out at home.

In this guide, we will look at every aspect of the trampoline from the health benefits it offers to some innovative ways to get more bounce to the ounce from it including:

The best trampoline games to play

The best trampoline tricks and moves

Amazing trampoline records

Trampolining workouts to keep you fit

The best music to bounce to

Fun ways to use your trampoline


Read on to discover the ins and outs of this amazing piece of backyard equipment!


The only thing better than playing games together as a family is doing it while you’re bouncing up and down. And there are a lot of great games designed just for the backyard trampoline!

Playing games while you bounce can add a whole new dimension to your trampolining fun, and a few simple props are often all that are needed to keep everyone entertained for hours at a time.

There are ball games, balance games, blindfold games, spelling games and singing and dancing games, with something for every age group and level of fitness. Accessories like a hoop, a ball, some rope and a few pieces of chalk can often be all that you need to stimulate their imaginations and bring out their competitive natures.

So here then are some of the best trampolining games to make your next kids party a joy-jumping success, along with some general backyard games so that everyone can join in the fun while they’re waiting for their turn to bounce.


If you think changing your clothes in only 45 seconds is impressive, try doing it while you’re bouncing on a trampoline! 45 seconds is the amazing record set by a trampoline jumper in Spain and there are other trampoline tricks performed around the world that are even more incredible!

For example, three brothers in the United States recently jumped 6.7 metres high on a trampoline and a guy from Melbourne set the record for the fastest amount of back handsprings in the world, achieving 41 of them in just one minute!

From somersaults and handsprings to backflips and high jumps, it’s amazing what a little patience and persistence can achieve, so if you want to take your trampolining to the next exciting level, the following articles describe what’s involved in learning and performing a range of trampoline moves and tricks.

They also highlight some of the amazing feats that have been achieved on trampolines, so if you think you can do better, get practising and you could be the next high flyer!

It’s recommended that these tricks only be attempted on larger trampolines (preferably a 14ft trampoline with a safety net) and always under adult supervision when children are involved.

Keen to try some trampoline tricks of your own?
Learn more here:

The Best Trampoline Tricks

More Fun Trampoline Moves

8 Trampolining World Records

3. Trampoline Exercise and Fitness

In this world of hand-held technology, it can be difficult to get the kids outside. One sure-fire way is to make exercising fun, and the best way to do that is by getting a trampoline.

Bouncing on a trampoline is not only great fun, it’s a complete workout for growing bodies. Jumping will get their hearts pumping, strengthening their muscles and improving their balance and coordination – all without the jarring impact normally associated with running or jumping on the ground.

Trampoline exercise isn’t just for kids either! It’s the perfect workout for busy parents who don’t have time for the gym. Trampolining is a lot more fun than lifting kettlebells, and just 30 minutes exercise a day can help you trim, tone and bounce your way to a fitter and healthier you.

Read on to learn all about trampoline exercise, from the health benefits it provides to the best workout routines. There’s even an article on the best bouncing music for baby boomers through to the latest generation!


Did you know that future astronauts in the NASA space training program use trampolining to prepare themselves for zero gravity space flight?

Trampolines are fun more than anything else, and in this chapter we go all out to show you why if you don’t have a trampoline in your backyard, you need to get one now!

As well as fun trampoline facts, we explore a huge variety of trampoline games, activities and exercises, from yoga and kickboxing for the grown ups, to water fights and trampoline discos for the kids.

So take off your shoes, remove the ladder, zip up the safety net and get ready for take off as we discover why trampolining is fast becoming the new craze for getting fit and having fun right in your own backyard!

Ready to have some fun with your trampoline?
Read more here:

10 Trampoline Fun Facts

75 Fun Ways to Use Your Trampoline


Now you know everything there is to trampolining, including:

It’s a great way to exercise, providing an excellent cardio workout with minimal impact on the body and joints.
It’s the perfect learning tool, teaching kids the fundamentals of balance and coordination while they’re having fun.
It’s ideal for adults and children, catering for both serious workouts and endless hours of play.
It’s an inexpensive way for the whole family to have fun without having to leave home!

So if you own a trampoline, why not invest in some simple games, teach yourself some basic workout routines and start getting the most out of your ready-made backyard entertainment centre.

And if your trampoline has seen better days, you can give it a new lease of life with the great range of parts and accessories available at Oz Trampolines. We have everything to restore your old friend to new again, including pads, nets. mats, springs, ladders, brackets, poles and covers.

Or, if you don’t have a trampoline yet, but think it might be the all-round solution you’ve been looking for, be sure to check out the great range on offer at Oz Trampolines. Large, small, above or in-ground, our trampolines are Australia's best, as voted by our loyal customers.

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